


                                                                                                                                                               Brian Jones, President of the San Jose Stamp Club,scott995
is active with both Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts in
assisting the boys who wish to earn the Stamp
Collecting belt loop (Cub Scouts) or the Stamp
Collecting merit badge (Boy Scouts).
Brian conducts a series of workshops thru out the
year.  These workshops are normally held at onescott1145
of the many stamp shows which occur all year long.
The club assists Brian in assembling the necessary
materials to conduct these workshops as well as
providing manpower assistance when conducting the workshops.  The club considers these activities
very important,  since they help grow the hobby
and give back to the community.


Any scout wishing to take advantage of this
opportunity should contact Brian directly.
Brian’s phone number can be found on the
Contacts page of this website.


Click the link below for a flyer about the next scheduled workshop.  The flyer contains dates, times, location and all the information necessary to register a scout for the workshop.  If you are going to print a copy of the flyer,  you may have to adjust size under printer properties/effects, or download to your computer first and then print.

            Stamp Merit Badge Flyer – October 2018